
Plan for Midtown Redevelopment

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Re “D.A. to Investigate Ventura’s Role in Redevelopment Plan,” May 15.

I certainly was pleased to read this article. City of Ventura officials are attempting to ram the Midtown redevelopment down the throats of the public to try and alleviate the mess they have made with redevelopment in the rest of the city.

The most hilarious part of the article is where City Atty. Bob Boehm states, “It’s part of our responsibility to members of the community to keep them apprised of the facts.” He was speaking of the fact that the city spent taxpayers’ money on a mailer in favor of Measure A.

If the city attorney feels that it is part of his responsibility to keep members of the community apprised of the facts, why does he constantly--in my opinion--try and pull the wool over the eyes of the City Council? The council is constantly working and making decisions, such as the recent infamous card room boondoggle, in the dark, trusting that what the city attorney and city manager present to them for consideration is what it appears to be on the immediate surface.


It seems, however, that during the dark regime of City Manager Donna Landeros too many items have underlying consequences. One can only hope that the district attorney is seriously investigating the City of Ventura and not just giving lip service to appease a group of citizens.



I strongly encourage a yes vote on Measure A for Ventura’s Midtown Redevelopment Plan.

Like many supporters of the plan, I originally had a number of concerns. After I and others expressed these concerns, the city’s response was to modify the plan. As a result, I am now strongly in favor of it. There are those who are opposed to any redevelopment plan. However, some of their reasons for opposing the plan sound very much the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

The opponents say there was little public input. As one of the many residents who took advantage of the numerous opportunities to learn about the plan and offer input, I know this does not hold up to reality.


The opponents say that eminent domain is either still in the plan or can quickly be added. The truth is that eminent domain was removed from the plan before the City Council voted in favor of it. Any future amendments to the plan could only by done by a process similar to how the Midtown Redevelopment Plan was tailored to begin with.

The opponents say participation in the plan is not voluntary. In actuality, participation is entirely voluntary. On May 17 the City Council adopted a resolution reaffirming the plan being entirely voluntary and not containing the power of eminent domain.

Some of the opponents to any redevelopment plan will throw out terms like “the unknown government.” The truth is that we select who will be on the redevelopment agency when we vote for City Council members. It is our job to elect people we can trust.


A yes vote is a positive vote for our city. The Midtown Corridor Redevelopment plan will serve as a tool in preserving what we have and enhancing our community’s future.

JOHN S. JONES, Ventura
