
Gay Teens: Reality

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Once again, The Times confirms its editorial policy of endorsing the gay lifestyle by promoting it to young people (“TV’s Gay Teenagers Get Real,” by Eric Gutierrez, May 10).

This is an insidious attempt to undermine the morals of young children. The Times joins the crowd in Hollywood in their campaign of social engineering to corrupt the morals of the youth of our country. Homosexuality is an evil choice, and that is the truth that should be told to our youth today.


Arroyo Grande


Kudos to Eric Gutierrez for his thoughtful piece on media portrayals of lesbian and gay youth. In the last several months, I’ve spoken to hundreds of lesbian and gay teens in Los Angeles County about their school experiences. Every single one of them has been harassed, assaulted or otherwise targeted.


That’s why we need to pass AB 222, the Dignity for All Students Act, which would add sexual orientation to the nondiscrimination provisions of California’s Education Code. Young people flourish in an atmosphere of fairness and safety. Our legislators should not let their political calculations get in the way of these core values.


Public Policy Advocate

L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center
