
Judge Shaw Wins a Favorable Verdict

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Re “State Panel Assails Judge for Remarks,” May 6:

Orange County Superior Court Judge Susanne S. Shaw is an excellent judge who should be commended, not condemned, for her actions in the courtroom.

What this country needs is more straight-talking, tell-it-like-it-is, no-nonsense judges like her.

If more judges would emulate Shaw’s integrity, concern and diligence, there would be more respect for authority in this country. It’s time somebody turned this country around.


If more judges would speak plain English to defendants instead of spewing all the wishy-washy, politically correct nonsense, which no one can understand, maybe these folks would get the message.

If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime. Take responsibility for your actions. It’s time we stopped mollycoddling defendants.

Shaw is an extremely compassionate, understanding judge and will work with any defendants desiring to better their lives, but don’t lie to her or try to con her.


Shaw is hard, tough, honest, fair, humorous and understanding. She has the courage of her convictions. Her style is similar to “tough love.”

Her critics are not able to control or manipulate her, so this is the only way they can find to silence her.


Newport Beach

* I have been in law enforcement for 26 years, and for most of those years I have known Judge Susanne S. Shaw both professionally and personally. She even married my wife and me.


I have never known anybody with more integrity, sensitivity, genuine caring, and wisdom.

Yes, she does speak her mind, and thank goodness she does, because if she didn’t, she wouldn’t make a difference in the lives of those with whom she deals.

Over the past few years we have witnessed many events and personal behaviors associated with the criminal justice system which have led many of us to become cynical and decry all that is wrong with the system.

Take it from me and the vast majority of those that have ever met her, on both sides of the fence, Shaw is what is right with the system!


Laguna Beach
