
Keep ‘Graders’ Out of Restaurants

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Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer wants to “grade” restaurants (May 12). But there are already more than 1 million restaurant “graders” in Orange County. We’re called customers.

We vote with our money and “grade” restaurants each time we visit them. At some restaurants, we will give only $3 or $4 per plate; at others we’ll give $40 or $50 a plate. It’s our decision.

We don’t need government nannies posting stickers on windows.

Government inspectors empower the state, not consumers. They impose yet more tax burdens on all of us and more regulatory burdens on restaurants. This drives up costs and prices, which reduces quality and lowers our standard of living.


If Spitzer thinks there is a real demand for restaurant grading, let him offer this service under the same philosophy as restaurants offer theirs--through the free market.

Make all Orange County taxes voluntary. Let Orange County residents pay willingly for only those government services they want. Then Spitzer will learn for sure if there’s demand for his graders.

Otherwise, it’s just a scheme to expand the nanny state and shake down restaurant owners.


Costa Mesa
