
Slobodan Milosevic

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Elizabeth Neuffer says what has been on my mind for a long time (Commentary, May 17). Slobodan Milosevic is a common criminal. NATO should be after him. Period. He has had hundreds of thousands of people killed. He is the problem.

NATO does not need to defeat his country, only him and his closest advisors. They are criminals and should be hunted down as such. When the people of Yugoslavia realize that he has been charged with murder and is being hunted, they will leave him. Grant them amnesty, but prosecute the leaders. Milosevic is no different from Hitler. Fifty-five years ago, the world said never again. Well, here it is again. Hate. Killing people because of hate. The leaders must be rooted out and made accountable for their crimes.


Culver City


Ethnic cleansing: Seems NATO’s roadside bombing is doing the job for Milosevic.


Los Angeles


After outsmarting so many others, it looks like Bill Clinton has finally met his match. As the Balkan war continues, Milosevic will seem more and more like a sly fox and Clinton a dumb bunny.



North Hollywood


After two months of hearing reports about innocent people being killed by all sides in Yugoslavia, individuals from all sides of the political spectrum have come together promote a call for peace. On Monday at 9 a.m. Pacific time, thousands of people around the world will come together for one purpose. We will stop what we are doing and quietly observe two minutes of silence for peace in the Balkans.

On the Internet, please go to for more information. This is not a statement against the United States, or against the Kosovars, or against the Serbs. It is a gesture of peace and reflection for all who are dying.


Oak Park


Two U.S. newspapers appear to have the same speech impediment. There’s a word they just can’t pronounce. The New York Times calls it the “conflict in Kosovo.” The Los Angeles Times speaks of the “crisis in Yugoslavia.”

It’s not incurable. History doesn’t tell us, after all, that the North and South had a Civil Crisis. Or England and the Colonies waged a Revolutionary Conflict. Or World Conflict I was the crisis to end all conflicts, except for World Crisis II. Just pucker up and say “war.”


Los Angeles
