
City, DWP Joining Forces to Improve Lighting at 84 Parks

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To improve safety and encourage more park use, additional lighting will be installed at 84 city parks and recreation centers by the end of the year, parks and Department of Water and Power officials said Monday.

At a news conference at Lanark Park in Canoga Park, city officials said the DWP will install at no charge large, cobra-head lights on existing wooden utility poles near or on parks throughout the city.

The L.A. Department of Recreation and Parks will then pay a small monthly fee to cover the cost of electricity and replacing broken or burned-out lights.


“It will give a sense of greater safety in parks that are perceived as unsafe because of unlit areas,” said Richard Sessinghaus, general manager of the Department of Recreation and Parks.

The lights are expected to be installed by the end of the year, according to park officials. So far, three parks--Lanark, Valley Plaza in North Hollywood and Encino--have the new lights.

The Los Angeles Police Department applauded the effort.

“Lights always deter criminals,” said LAPD Cmdr. Valentino Paniccia. “Most criminals are cowards. They don’t want to be seen. That’s why they either strike in the dark or wear a ski mask.”
