
The Guns Battle

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I was appalled by Rosie O’Donnell’s ambush of Tom Selleck on her TV show (“Rosie Didn’t Really Let Him Have It With Both Barrels” by Howard Rosenberg, May 24). I guess the message is if you are a member of an organization, or make a commercial for it as Tom has for the National Rifle Assn., then you must be prepared to answer any attack at any time from “caring” people. Hello-oo!

Everyone knows that Kmart, for which Rosie does those cutesy commercials, sells . . . guns. Liberal hypocrisy in action.



The media is blowing up the Rosie O’Donnell-Tom Selleck verbal confrontation that occurred on her talk show. Some have said that Rosie was out of line. Actually Rosie should be congratulated for speaking out on a real issue that confronts society today . . . that of runaway violence.


For two decades, our nation’s moral and ethical standards have been bombarded and lowered by talk shows and their hosts who sugarcoat the issues and glorify unacceptable behavior. Selleck has every right to belong to the NRA. But once he becomes a spokesperson for that organization, Rosie has the right to question him. Since there is an epidemic of young students being gun victims, Selleck should have been prepared to answer questions.

Let’s hope other hosts have the courage of Rosie to ask intelligent questions.

MICHAEL A. GLUECK, Newport Beach


If guns should be banned for killing people, spoons should be banned for making Rosie O’Donnell fat.

CARL JONES, Santa Barbara


Ever hear of the word “accountability,” Tom? I know Rosie knows what it means and isn’t too cowardly to publicly hide behind grunts and blubbering indignations. Bravo, Rosie. Shame on you, Selleck.




Thanks to Howard Rosenberg for his continuing sanity, this time in analyzing the Rosie O’Donnell-Tom Selleck exchange as well as noting the talk radio aftermath. As far as KABC host Al Rantel is concerned, unfortunately, ridicule seems to be his major contribution to the airwaves. Fortunately for Rosie and the rest of us, Rantel is a colossal lightweight.

