
What Are the Odds That This Blows Over Soon?

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Mike Penner just does not get it [“Real Crime Is The Reaction Against Gray,” Oct. 29]. It was the timing of the questions, not how he asked the questions. The interview ruined the moment. Why is it so hard to understand that the millions of baseball fans tuned to see their heroes honored, not Rose or Gray prattle? I am mad because I wanted to bask in the glory of Willie Mays and Ken Griffey assisting Ted Williams up on stage. Or reflect a little longer about the days of Koufax versus Gibson. If Gray wanted to be hard hitting and a good journalist, how about asking Bob Costas how the committee (of which he was a member) could leave Roberto Clemente off the all-century team. Now that was a real crime.


Thousand Oaks


As one of those “misguided” supporters of Pete Rose, I have to ask Mike Penner: Where is there a shred of evidence that anything he has ever done has harmed baseball in any way? Are there actually people out there who think baseball games today are being fixed by gamblers? Look a little deeper and you’ll find the real reasons these “guided” people dislike Pete Rose.

* They’re Mets fans who are still angry that he tossed Bud Harrelson around in the 1973 playoffs.


* They’re Red Sox fans who are mad that he beat them in the 1975 Series.

* They’re Yankee fans who are mad that he swept them in 1976.

* They’re Bart Giamatti fans who truly believe he gave their hero a fatal heart attack.

* He just reminds them of the kind of guy who kicked sand in their faces when they were nerdy kids.


Los Angeles
