
Computer Program Aids Reading Skill

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A computer-enhanced learning program is helping students at Fillmore Middle School improve their reading skills, officials said.

“We encourage our students to read one book per week at their grade level,” teacher Dave MacDonald said of the Academy of Reading program. “Students are assigned one book, but many of them will read eight or nine books.”

If students are interested in what they are reading, McDonald said, they will be more likely to read more and be motivated to read at a higher level. Computer learning programs encourage students to read independently and their comprehension is improved, he said.


Eighth-grader Ulyss Martinez, who enjoys reading adventure stories, is one of the success stories among students at the A Street campus.

“The reading program has helped me to read and spell better,” said Ulyss, 14. “I understand more of what I am reading and I am reading faster. I understand spelling, and I can read books that are challenging for me. Right now, I’m reading a book about a father who crashes his airplane and survives in the woods. I like adventure stories. I like to read because I can kick back and it’s quiet.”

Principal Phil Catalano said he is proud of the reading accomplishments by Ulyss and his schoolmates.


“This year, we had 30 students who were retained in the eighth grade and did not advance to the ninth grade,” Catalano said. “I have seen some of those students skyrocket in terms of achievement by participating in this reading program, and Ulyss is one of them. I would like to see them all skyrocket.”

MacDonald said some students read as many as 45 books in the course of the school year and then take written exams related to the books, using the educational technology. He said students at the school take a total of 40 reading tests every day and more than 200 tests every week that reinforce their success.
