
Contagious Improvements

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Everybody knows that neighborhood deterioration can be contagious. It may start with an unkempt house, a neglected vacant storefront, a broken window that goes unrepaired, a scar of graffiti left in place too long. Before long, expectations decline and pride in the area begins to slip.

The good news from Simi Valley is that neighborhood improvements can be contagious too. More and more Tapo Street business owners are requesting applications for revitalization grants under a city-sponsored matching program.

In the summer of 1998, city officials mailed notices to business owners on the street to let them know the city would match every dollar of improvements, up to $20,000. Now that some renovation projects are complete, other owners are signing up for the program.


“When we first marketed the program, we had only a couple of applications right away,” said Mark Oyler, city economic development analyst. “It’s now kind of a snowball effect. People are rushing to get their applications in.”

Eligible businesses are located along Tapo Street between Highway 118 and Los Angeles Avenue, and along Los Angeles Avenue on each side of Tapo.

So far, more than $137,000 has been spent to spruce up facades along Tapo Street. Of the 24 grant applications the city has received, seven of the projects are complete, two are under construction, nine are in the design phase and six are on hold. None has been rejected. The city has $280,000 in matching funds available this year to business owners and property owners interested in making some improvements.

Here’s to the power of investment and elbow grease. May those businesses that haven’t yet gotten with the program take the hint from their neighbors.
