
Readers Remember

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I was 6 years old and on crutches with a broken leg. We then lived in Burlington, Iowa, and it was a hot, muggy August day. I wondered: Why are all of these people acting so crazy? Screaming, horns blowing, people shouting and strangers hugging and kissing each other. It just did not make sense until someone explained to me: The war was over. It was V-J Day.



In 1932 I was 11 years old. I sold Liberty magazines after school.

My great “business” opportunity came with the 1932 Olympics being held in the Coliseum, which was about one mile from my home.

I graduated to selling newspapers to the Olympic crowd for two cents each, making almost a dollar a day. Best of all, I had the thrill of watching the Games. I’ll never forget seeing Eddie Tolan and Ralph Metcalfe from the USA come in first and second in the 100-meter dash.


Fifty-two years later, I had the privilege to be the host to the head of the Hong Kong delegation. Imagine my delight and nostalgic memories to have participated in two Olympics being held in Los Angeles.


Corona del Mar

What do you recall most about the 20th century? In 200 words or less, send us your memories, comments or eyewitness accounts. We will publish as many as we can on this page until the end of the year. Write to Century, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053, or e-mail We regret we cannot acknowledge individual submissions. Letters may be edited for space.
