
Stoneman Still One of Four in Angel GM Race

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Angel general manager prospects Bob Watson and Omar Minaya met with Disney chairman Michael Eisner in Burbank on Tuesday, a day after Jim Duquette interviewed, and the club appears prepared to choose among four candidates.

The fourth, Montreal vice president Bill Stoneman, is still apparently under consideration even though the club canceled an announcement that Stoneman would be hired late last week.

“The feeling I get is that Stoneman is still in the picture,” a baseball official familiar with the interview process said. “Eisner wanted to meet the other finalists. Stoneman didn’t lose the job because of something that happened when he met with Eisner.”


According to the official, Angel President Tony Tavares selected Stoneman, with an eye on hiring him Friday, the day before the World Series began.

Eisner, however, interviewed Stoneman, then told Tavares he needed to meet the other candidates. By Friday, Tavares had contacted the three and scheduled interviews.

Duquette, an assistant general manager with the New York Mets and Boston General Manager Dan Duquette’s cousin, met Monday with Eisner, Tavares and Vice President Rick Schlesinger. He previously interviewed in New York with Disney executive Sandy Litvack.

Minaya met Eisner and Tavares for the first time during a Tuesday schedule that closely paralleled Duquette’s. Watson, the early front-runner, flew in from Houston and met only with Eisner.

As of Tuesday night, the Angels had not asked permission from the commissioner’s office to make a general manager announcement during the World Series. They can announce their selection Friday--an off day--or when the Series ends, whichever comes first.

While Angel officials contend the general manager will be allowed to hire the organization’s next manager, candidates have left their interviews with the impression the club’s preference is Don Baylor, Atlanta’s hitting instructor, who reportedly is close to a deal with the Chicago Cubs.
