
Los Angeles

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Kevin Starr serves up his usual mush (“A Tale of Three Mayors,” Opinion, Aug. 22) of a blissful Los Angeles where, unlike New York or Chicago, the “intervening structures” are bypassed by “mass participation through media” and an avuncular mayor. Starr’s notion of a “successful bureaucracy” is really one of departments that first serve themselves, secondarily accountable to mayor or citizen. How is it that Fire Department search and rescue teams stand ready to take off for Turkey (Aug. 24) while brush here remains uncleared and uncited for years?

Well might residents of West Hollywood give a standing ovation to our “elliptical” mayor, since they do not have to contend with our “elusive” institutions. Why is the mayor talking to them? What is Starr smoking? Where does he live? I bet it is not in this City of Angels.


