
EOS Certified to Pretest Its Products

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EOS Corp. in Camarillo, which sells ultra-miniature power supplies, has been approved for participation in the Underwriters Laboratories Client Test Data Program (UL).

This allows EOS to pretest its power supplies for product safety and submit the results to UL for evaluation, officials said.

Standard certification procedures require product manufacturers to submit samples for detailed UL testing, a process that can take four or more weeks to complete. With EOS being permitted to do its own testing, the certification time will be shorter and new product development cycles will speed up, the officials said.


“Time to market is of the essence in any high-tech industry, but it has become increasingly more so for power supplies,” said James B. Schultz, executive vice president of marketing and sales for EOS. “In order to be competitive, we have to produce what the customers want quickly and in the most cost-effective way. Being qualified to participate in UL’s [testing program] has enhanced our ability to accomplish both of these objectives.”

Underwriters Laboratories, founded in 1894, is an independent, nonprofit product-safety testing and certification organization. Each year, more than 14 billion UL marks are applied to products worldwide.
