
Big Bear Incident

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* Re “An Incident at Big Bear,” April 9: Al Martinez has missed the mark on this one. This incident was not about racism, it was about common courtesy. As a frequent restaurant patron, there is nothing more disturbing than a screaming, out-of-control kid when my wife and I are eating our meal. A meal, I might add, that we have to pay for.

The fact that Rafael Gonzalez and Victoria Ballesteros are young, college-educated professionals has no relevance whatsoever, other than the fact that they fit a profile of parents who do not know how to discipline their children and they feel the world is their child’s playground, no matter whom they disturb or offend.

I disagree that these people do not use the word “racism” loosely. They are college-educated liberals who toss the word around like free candy to get their way. One of many things I admire about the Mexican culture is the respect their children are taught for others. The waitress at the restaurant only did what many of us would like to do when parents do not control their children.



Hacienda Heights
