
Business Summit Provides Legal Way to Explore Cuban Market

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It is legal for American businesspeople to visit Cuba if they receive a license from the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of Treasury, or if they are “fully hosted” by a non-American company.

U.S. firms considering Cuba as an export market should visit Web sites posted by the Treasury Department (, the Commerce Department ( and the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council (

Italian firm Cristobal is sponsoring a U.S.-Cuba business summit June 7 to 10 in Cancun, Mexico, and Havana. The cost of $2,950 for the “fully hosted” summit includes meetings with Cuban officials in Cancun and Havana, flights between the cities, meals and lodging.


Topics include trade opportunities with Cuba, foreign investment laws and procedures, and what U.S. firms can do in Cuba today. For more information, call (202) 530-5234 or visit
