
Police Rescue 2 Men Trapped in House Fire

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Braving flames, smoke and exploding helium tanks, two San Fernando police officers rescued two men trapped in a burning house early Sunday, authorities said.

The fire, possibly the result of an electrical malfunction at a flower and gift shop, caused no injuries but destroyed the shop and damaged the adjoining three-bedroom house, said Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Jim Wells. Damage was estimated at $70,000.

Resident Sara Gonzalez, 54, thanked Officers Christian Colelli and Carlos Topete for their actions.


“They are so nice. I’m glad they came when they did,” Gonzalez said. “I’m just glad we are all alive.”

Gonzalez said she smelled smoke about 2 a.m. and rushed to the phone.

“Thank God I’m a light sleeper. I immediately woke up,” she said.

She and two of her children ran outside before the smoke spread to the rest of the house in the 400 block of North Maclay Street.

She remembered that some of her children were still out or working late, she said, but had lost track of two visiting relatives.


Colelli and Topete arrived within a few minutes and saw the home shrouded in smoke, said San Fernando Police Sgt. Robert Jacobs.

Colelli asked Gonzalez if anyone was inside, and she told him she was not sure.

“I was just praying to God to help us,” she said.

Colelli said he could hear the shop’s helium tanks exploding but entered the house anyway and found a doubled-bolted door leading to a back bedroom.

Colelli pounded on the door and heard voices. He kicked the door open and quickly escorted a 65-year-old man and a 20-year-old man outside, Jacobs said.


Colelli heard a dog inside the house and went back in but found the smoke and flames had grown too thick. He got down on his hands and knees and felt his way out, touching the walls and ground until he found a rear door, police said.

About 30 firefighters arrived a few minutes later and extinguished the blaze in about 17 minutes, Wells said. They were able to rescue the dog.

The officers were not available for comment Sunday.

“I’m so thankful they came,” Gonzalez said, sifting through the ruins, her face still black from smoke. “I’m glad none of us got hurt. We lost material goods. That can be replaced, but not lives.”
