
Medical Disciplinary Actions

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The Medical Board of California licenses physicians and other medical professionals. It also investigates medical complaints and issues disciplinary actions. The most serious penalties include license revocation, suspension and probation.

These are the Los Angeles County physicians and surgeons subject to serious disciplinary actions between Nov. 1, 1999, and Jan. 31, 2000, according to Medical Board documents. Generally, final actions are published only after all appeals are exhausted.

Dr. Lucien Alexandre, Los Angeles: Failed to properly supervise a physician’s assistant. Disciplined via public letter of reprimand.* Effective Dec. 16, 1999.


Dr. Tova Li Babad, Inglewood: Mental impairment affecting ability to practice medicine safely. Revocation of license stayed, four years’ probation. Effective Dec. 16, 1999.

Dr. Mohammad Fazil, Whittier: Criminal conviction for insurance fraud. Revocation of license stayed, license suspended for 90 days, five years’ probation. Effective Nov. 4, 1999.

Dr. Benjamin Gross, Los Angeles: Criminal conviction for capping (luring people to act as patients) based on an alleged scheme to defraud insurers and rental car companies by submitting false accident-related injury claims. Revocation of license stayed, six years’ probation. Effective Nov. 18, 1999.


Dr. Clifton W. Harris Jr., Saugus: Failed to follow up with further testing to properly diagnose a patient after having obtained laboratory results that indicated the patient had a hyperthyroid condition. Disciplined via public reprimand.** Effective Dec. 2, 1999.

Dr. Veronica U. Ikoku, Inglewood: Failed to comply with Medical Board-ordered mental examination. License revoked. Effective Jan. 7.

Dr. Charles Lynnwood Johnson, Los Angeles: Violated terms and conditions of Medical Board probation. License revoked. Effective Dec. 17, 1999.


Dr. Joshua Shere, Los Angeles: Committed acts of gross negligence, repeated negligence and incompetence in the care and treatment of three patients, and mental and/or physical illness affecting ability to practice medicine safely. License revoked. Effective Nov. 29, 1999.

Dr. Alfonso Villamizar, Inglewood: Committed acts of gross negligence, repeated negligence, incompetence and repeated excessive prescribing, and failed to maintain adequate medical records in the treatment of five patients and knowingly employed unlicensed people to engage in the practice of medicine. Revocation of license stayed, license suspended for nine months, 10 years’ probation. Effective Nov. 26, 1999.

* A lesser form of discipline that can be negotiated for minor violations before or after the filing of formal charges (accusations). The licensee is chastised in the form of a letter that becomes a part of his or her public record.

** A public reprimand, another lesser form of discipline, is similar to a public letter of reprimand except that it must be the result of charges that are filed. The reprimand becomes a part of the licensee’s public record.

Note: Copies of the public record documents attendant to these cases are available at minimal cost by calling the Medical Board’s Central File Room at (916) 263-2525.

Source: Medical Board of California, Sacramento.
