
One Man Army of Might and Hick-Hop Ray

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You heard it here first (for the second time): One Man Army is gonna be huge, dude. The young punk trio from San Francisco blew into town on Sunday for a gig at the Martini Lounge, and they shredded, plain and simple. The group’s new album, “Last Word Spoken,” on Billie Joe Armstrong’s Adeline Records, is positive, heartfelt stuff--very much in step with the times. Armstrong, the voice behind Green Day, also produced the record. No doubt, he’s a proud papa. Look for both bands on the Warped Tour.

Texas Terri came running in out of the rain on Monday in time to rock out with the Scream All-Star band, which managed to pack the house despite the freaky weather conditions (which included enormo-size hailstones). The AC/DC party jam was a smashing success, with all the unusual suspects there. Nice to see the scene defying the elements again.

Caught up with Lee Ving at the Key Club, looking like the punk rock Johnny Cash--old as da hills and twice as lusty. The FEAR frontman blazed his way through the group’s key hits, much to the delight of mucho macho drunks.


Speaking of the Key Club, dang, it’s finally come full circle: The Key Club has become Gazzarri’s. We mean that in a good way. Rock ‘n’ roll is the order of the day and the Key Club now looks every bit the rocker den--except in the ladies room, where Miss Patricia’s got everything the gals could ever ask for. . . . Oh, but the award for the week goes to my new favorite person, Ray Condo. Gimme a minute to spread out, so I can wax poetic on the Vancouver troubadour, who performed at the Culver Saloon on Saturday.

Calling himself the king o’ hick-hop, this scarecrow-thin hillbilly rocker is a living legend. Condo and his Richochets, whose new album is called “High & Wild,” opened up for fellow legend, Sun Records’ recording artist Billie Lee Riley.

Riley, who hadn’t been to Los Angeles in three decades, drove all the way from Arkansas by car! With his wife of three decades! I love a good rock ‘n’ roll love story. . . . Speaking of which, we’re on our way to the House of Schmooze for X tonight. The clouds have already lifted.
