
Life Disrupted by Dynamiting

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Re “Six Injured in Explosion at Housing Site,” March 24:

Well, it finally happened.

I am a resident of Seawind Community in Newport Beach, adjacent to the canyon where the explosion occurred.

We have been experiencing these blasts on a regular basis for four months, at least two or three times per week.

The first time we were notified of any development to be done in Coyote Canyon was by the Baxter Drilling Co. in November.


The letter stated that the company would be dynamite blasting in the upcoming weeks and that there would be a five-minute warning siren before each blast.

I was home on March 23 and I assure you no warning siren sounded. I have school-age children who love to play in this canyon; the misfire and explosion happened no less than 500 yards from the edge of the street where I live.

The siren blasts have not been consistent; some days they warn us, others not. It is very unnerving experiencing these almost daily blasts. It feels as if it is an earthquake; the foundations of our homes being shaken, windows rattling violently and my infant daughter consistently being awakened from naps.


I would hate to see one of our children injured or worse due to Baxter’s inconsistent warning signals. It is difficult enough to be awakened before 7 a.m. with the sounds of bulldozers and trucks tearing up a hillside that was supposed to be sanctioned as protected wilderness.

Now I must worry whether it is safe for my children to play in their own backyard. Our community has been up in arms over this development by the Irvine Co.

The Irvine Co. did not notify our community of the impending development until it was well underway. It tries to pacify us with a slick public relations job about how beautiful this new development will be, encroaching on the butchered hillside overlooking our homes.


I guess money and the name Irvine Co. have much pull to get what they want: development dollars, no matter what the cost.


Newport Beach
