
Schools’ Needs

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Re “State Near the Bottom in National School Analysis,” July 26: While the Rand study confirms the obvious, it fails to state the specific. Yes, schools need more money; but for what? Lower class size? I think not. Schools need the most essential ingredient to educate students--teachers and classrooms. California has dramatic shortages of teachers and classrooms. This problem is exacerbated by smaller classes and results in better education for the lucky few in the smaller classes and poorer education for the vast majority in still-larger classes.

In addition, California is severely lacking in teachers who are qualified to teach science, mathematics and computer technology, especially in the primary grades. Even music, art and physical education classes are understaffed. If Gov. Gray Davis concentrates on hiring enough qualified teachers to staff enough classrooms for the student population of California, we will see improvement in our low national standings. I am ever hopeful.


Laguna Niguel
