
O.C. Asked to Help Out L.A. Jurists

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The federal courthouse in Santa Ana is being asked to handle extra cases during the Democratic National Convention, when the Los Angeles Federal Court significantly reduces operations out of concern over security.

Chief U.S. District Judge Terry J. Hatter Jr., in a memo written to judges last month, asked for a “drastic reduction” in court activity in Los Angeles and recommended that only one judge be on duty each day during convention week.

“Law enforcement resources will be employed throughout downtown Los Angeles and effective security may not be possible in the courthouse vicinity,” said Hatter in the memorandum dated July 15.


Orange County officials said they will help Los Angeles judges, though none have so far requested court space, according to Janine Duffy, the deputy clerk in charge in Santa Ana. She said moving trials would create a “logistical nightmare,” in part because jurors and other court participants would have to be transported to Orange County.

The Los Angeles courthouse will not be closed, but staffing will be cut back significantly. Workers are being encouraged to take vacations, and no juries will be called during the week. The clerk’s office will be at 50 percent of its normal staff levels.

The U.S. marshal’s office plans to monitor the protests. Officials said staffing in Los Angeles will not be increased, but escorts will be available for judges who work during the week.


During the Los Angeles riots, officials said a mob broke windows and tried to break down doors to enter the building.
