
Blocking of Gore Supporters

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* Re “Police Block Gore Supporters,” letters, Aug. 11.

I read with interest Alex Magdaleno’s letter regarding his experience at the Oxnard train depot during the Bush visit. I too was there and, like Mr. Magdaleno, I am an Al Gore supporter.

When the governor [George W. Bush] was getting ready to speak, the police decided to allow the crowd to cross over the previously open area to get closer to the train. No tickets were requested of anyone.

Nevertheless, I was stopped by a police officer and told that I could not go any further with my Gore sign. I asked him why and he said those were his orders, although this was not necessarily his personal belief. I told him that I thought that was illegal.


I was alone. I was walking over slowly like the rest of the crowd. My only difference with the others going in that direction was that I wasn’t a Bush supporter.

I can’t imagine what the Oxnard police thought they were doing. Is it now illegal to say you are for one party instead of another? I was doing nothing other than carrying a Gore sign.

I imagine there will be many more rallies, speeches and political events before the election in November. The Oxnard police had better get their heads on straight and hit the law books or there may be some free speech lawsuits headed their way.



