
Double-Dipping by County Judges

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Re “L.A. County Lets Judges Draw Duplicate Benefits and Perks,” Aug. 20: That Los Angeles County officials allow judges to draw duplicate benefits and perks from state and local taxes is disgusting in itself because of the inequity imposed on taxpayers. Equally disgusting are the convoluted rationalizations the judges use to try to justify the double-dipping. These are the people who are charged with dispensing justice in our courts?

God help us all if we end up in their courtrooms. It appears that crooks are sitting on both sides of the bench! No wonder society has become so ambivalent and jaded toward our justice system.


La Crescenta


L.A. County CAO David Janssen says one cannot take back benefits that have been given, thus he probably cannot do anything about the double-dipping by L.A. County judges? It seems the county has no problem cutting programs for the poor.


Presiding Judge Victor Chavez sees nothing wrong with the judges accepting money from the county for expenses already paid for by the state? That this is to cover other expenses judges incur such as travel between courthouses? Sorry, but $30,000 seems a bit excessive for travel expenses.

Judge Charles W. “Tim” McCoy thinks it would be “unlikely and unwise” for the county to end such practices as giving them over $22,000 to purchase health and other insurance when such insurance is provided by the state?

I am so appalled. What happened to their sense of right and wrong?


Granada Hills
