
Gore’s Poll Bounce

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Al Gore announces in his convention speech that he wants new government programs that will wipe out the deficit, spend an addition $2 trillion-plus, create new governmental bureaucracy that must be maintained and have nothing left to refund tax overpayment to those who created that surplus. Everyone loves him and now wants to vote for him. What am I missing?


Redondo Beach


* Re “The ‘Inclusion Illusion’ Goes Poof With Lieberman,” Commentary, Aug. 22: It’s not the end-all, but it is a step in the right direction. In total darkness even one small lit candle is a lifesaver. Being Jewish myself and even though I am a combat veteran and a successful lawyer, I never felt totally included in the political process until now.

Regarding Gore’s complete giveaway: He’s probably sincere. This is politics and he must do something to counter the tremendous imbalance in their respective war chests. It’s certainly more specific than George W. Bush’s “Don’t mess with us Texans!”



