
More to Invisibility Than Meets the Eye

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Thanks for the informative article (“Man, the Vanishing Species,” Aug. 4) on how to become invisible. However, you left out one very simple way (which you probably don’t know about because it was before your time): Pressure Point, a technique used by a young female newspaper reporter in a late-1930s comic strip, “The Invisible Scarlet O’Neill.” Pressing a special spot on her wrist allowed Scarlet to become instantly invisible. Pros: Because there were no exotic chemicals or techniques involved (they weren’t invented yet), this method was totally safe, with no after effects. Also, Scarlet was able to have many adventures in pursuit of her newspaper stories that otherwise might not have been suitable for a young woman of that era. Cons: This technique could not be duplicated by the average run-of-the-mill preteen girl; I tried it many times.

Unfortunately, I don’t know what happened to Scarlet. Perhaps she just pressed her wrist one day and became permanently invisible.


Garden Grove


The Times calls itself a major metropolitan newspaper (or would that be the Daily Planet) but has the nerve to omit one of the most popular methods of invisibility--the cloaking device. It was invented by [“Star Trek’s”] Romulans and used by them and the Klingons to harass Capts. Kirk and Picard. The Federation is prohibited by the Treaty of Algeron from developing cloaking technology, though some illegal experiments have happened. I guess no one reads history of the future books anymore.



