
Racist Remark

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* On Oct. 29 at approximately 11:30 a.m., I had an occasion to shop at [a market] in Calabasas. Since I only had two items, I easily qualified for the express checkout where I experienced an ugly encounter with another shopper. This unknown shopper, who was white, female, mid-50s, was in the midst of her transaction when I first noticed her stares directed toward me. The staring continued to the point where I asked, “Why are you staring at me?” With a nasty snarl, she [used a racial epithet]. Caught completely off guard, I asked the cashier, “Why don’t you refuse to serve this lady?” The unknown shopper quickly exited the store. The cashier and the bagger expressed their apologies and concerns.

I was distraught and emotionally disturbed after this incident and am still internalizing the short- and long-term effects of this and other racist related experiences. Racial hatred and bigotry can find their way into our daily lives, even here in the “last of the old West,” Calabasas. Clearly, these experiences, though personal, should not remain sheltered as if nonexistent in this land of suburban affluence; rather these and similar verbal abuses should be brought to your readership’s attention, in hopes of stimulating open dialogues and / or discussions toward alleviating future incidents.


