
Finish the Rescue of Bolsa Chica

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* Your article, “Coastal Commission Approves Scaled-Down Bolsa Chica Plan” (Nov. 17), captured the suspense and exhilaration of the Coastal Commission’s landmark decision to preserve the lower bench of the Bolsa Chica from development.

The thousands of citizens who have worked to help preserve the Bolsa Chica have much to be thankful for this holiday season. Now, we must continue to work to help raise the funds to purchase the remaining area. Hopefully, the owner will join with us. He deserves a return on his investment.


Huntington Beach


* Why would we want to give up more of what little land that we still have left?

Do we need more cars on the Santa Ana and San Diego freeways? Do we need more people out of work? Do we need more people milling around in the malls and post offices?


Do we need more children in the now overcrowded schools?

I vote to send the contractors out of my native state to build more houses elsewhere (even on the moon)!


