
Lee Shooting

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* LAPD Sgt. Daniel Witman (letter, Dec. 8) states that a Dec. 7 editorial should have paid more attention to the actions of Anthony Dwain Lee than those of the officer who shot him four times in the back. Witman points to the things that Lee “chose” to do at the party and the fact that Lee had “hours” to plan his day to avoid what happened to him. Let’s just turn this around.

Officer Tarriel Hopper got a call complaining about noise at a party. Hopper “chose” not to wait, as instructed, for the host of the party. He “chose” to walk behind the house. He “chose” to shine a bright flashlight into the faces of the people in the room. He “chose” to shoot an unarmed man to death.

Witman’s letter just proves the “us against them” mentality of the LAPD. One more thing. What would have been the difference if Lee had a fake gun or a pitchfork? The LAPD kills citizens holding screwdrivers all the time!



