
The Need for More Paramedics

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* Louis C. Farah’s letter to the Valley Edition (“L.A.’s Shortage of Paramedics,” Dec. 24) says, “The plight of Los Angeles’ paramedics can be traced to one reason: the hiring practices of the Los Angeles Fire Department.”

How often do you see police cars giving speeding tickets? How often do you see people who run red lights ticketed? How often do you see police giving out tickets to people on neighborhood streets? How often have you seen jaywalkers ticketed? You drive at 50 in a 40-mph zone and you’re passed like you were standing still. You wait at a stoplight for six cars making left-hand turns after the light has turned red, and on and on.

If the police would do a more conscientious job of stopping the lawbreakers who are causing the accidents that require the paramedics, we wouldn’t need as many.


If the courts would properly sentence and retain in custody the individuals who physically harm others, then we wouldn’t need the number of paramedics that are projected. How many freeway accidents are caused by people who maintain the speed limit?

How often do you see a car pulled over by a Highway Patrol person?

Go to the source of the problem that requires the services of the paramedics, Mr. Farah.


Mission Hills
