
‘Younger Guys’ Not the Answer for GM

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Women and older employees beware: The newly appointed chief executive of General Motors has identified the source of the company’s problems . . . you [“GM’s Future Is Riding on CEO-to-Be,” Feb. 3].

G. Richard Wagoner Jr., 46, announced that we can expect to see “a cadre of younger guys moving into prime positions at GM.” Incredibly, he continued by promising “. . . to infuse management with new, younger blood.” Apparently, it is “younger guys” who will come in and save the day for GM. As a trial attorney specializing in employee rights, I am outraged at this assertion.

Perhaps we are all lucky that Mr. Wagoner did not add “whites” to his list of preferred employees.


These statements should cause the entire nation great alarm. How could a person who is in charge of such a large company be so ignorant and make such discriminating remarks? Mr. Wagoner should read his GM employee handbook. No doubt it claims to be an equal opportunity employer.

Mr. Wagoner, the solution to GM’s ills is not an infusion of younger men. GM’s future will be assured with a tolerant, discrimination-free workplace.


Mission Viejo
