
Airport Spending

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* For years we have been trying to get the Board of Supervisors to rein in the overspending at Ventura County’s airports. Try though we may, our elected officials pay no attention to the budget-busting leadership of Rod Murphy, director of airports.

We enjoyed a $5-million operating reserve when Murphy took the job seven years ago. Now that’s all gone, along with $2.6 million in insurance money that was to be used for replacing the fire-destroyed Hangar One at Oxnard Airport.

When Murphy’s insatiable spending ran out of money, he asked for and got huge rent increases from users and aircraft service providers. Some of these increases (say taxes) were 20% to 80% above previous rates.


The Board of Supervisors also approved Murphy’s request for a $900,000 loan with no visible way to repay it.

Our elected officials will soon be asked to approve even more rent (tax) increases because of this out-of-control spending.

Former county Chief Administrative Officer David L. Baker was right on point: There is no “supervising” going on!


The Department of Airports is a perfect example. Over-staffing, temporary help and unneeded consultants have contributed to this never-ending problem. Is this part of the supervisors’ overall plan--a plan to change county airports to a Van Nuys-like operation for the tax dollars that jets would bring in to the cities and county?

The county’s goal appears to be to price out the current small tenants and make room for the well-heeled corporate jets.

Who needs a budget? We’ll just keep on raising the rents.


President, Camarillo Airport

Hangar Owners Assn.
