
Supervisors Reelect Smith as Chairman

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Your Dec. 28 editorial, “No Economic Fix, Please,” reviewed the bears’ and bulls’ outlook on the nation’s economy over the past 10 years and ended on a note that “a dollop of caution is in order.” This advice was directed at the respective political parties that either wanted to enact big tax cuts (Republicans) or big spending plans (Democrats). What your editorial failed to emphasize was the need for a sustainable economy that would not bankrupt the environment or our children’s future.

The editorial pointed out that 66% of the economy is based on consumer spending but that this factor has risen recently to 95%. More alarming was the statement that the consumer “is already spending more than he earns.” This is not a sustainable economy. Our political and economic leaders need barrels of courage to set us on a sustainable economic course, not dollops of caution about tax cuts or spending plans.


