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Your Jan. 3 editorial, “Blast of Fresh Air,” misses the mark. There’s no question that the settlement of the lawsuit between the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the environmental plaintiffs was a good result for those of us who live in the South Coast Air Basin. However, it was merely a sideshow. Even though everyone is patting themselves on the back because stationary sources will be forced to reduce emissions further, the fact of the matter is that more than 80% of the nitrogen oxide (a precursor to ozone) that is emitted emanates from things that move. Most of this is from automobiles and trucks.

Yes, the SCAQMD has done an outstanding job of reducing emissions from stationary sources. But they can’t do it alone. We must all reduce our impact on the air quality by rethinking how we live our daily lives. We are the primary causes of the air pollution that stalks us in Southern California.


