
Companies Say ‘Smart’ Appliances on Horizon

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Associated Press, Reuters

Sunbeam Corp. said it’s creating a new division as it unveils a line of “smart” consumer appliances, such as an alarm clock that can turn off an electric blanket or turn on a coffee maker without wires or special programming. Separately, Maytag Corp., maker of washers, dryers and Hoover vacuums, said it’s allying with software giant Microsoft Corp. to develop appliances that will talk to each other via computer. As an example, Maytag said the technology would let a consumer send a recipe from an interactive television to a refrigerator, which would take an inventory of ingredients needed. The refrigerator would send back a list and place an order with an online grocer. Sunbeam said it will unveil nine prototypes for items that can communicate with other appliances at a household products show in Chicago this weekend. The company expects the new products to be available in specialty stores this year, with retail prices between $50 and $80. They should be widely available in early 2001. Sunbeam, which has been wrestling with losses and heavy debt for the past two years, also said it plans to merge its appliances and personal-care business units and combine the management of its health business unit and First Alert Inc. Shares in Boca Raton, Fla.-based Sunbeam were up 69 cents to $5.13, after trading as high as $52 in March 1998. Maytag, based in Newton, Iowa, was up 25 cents to $44.63.
