
Charges Filed in Attempted Drowning

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A Port Hueneme woman who authorities say tried to drown her two children in Channel Islands Harbor this week was charged Friday with two counts of attempted murder.

Narinder Virk, 39, faces an additional allegation that she caused great bodily injury to her youngest child, a 6-year-old daughter, who authorities say lost consciousness during the incident.

Virk was arraigned on the charges in Superior Court.

But Deputy Public Defender Christina Briles told Judge Edward F. Brodie that she needed more time to investigate the case before entering a plea. The matter was postponed to Jan. 24.


Outside the courtroom, Briles said her client is confused about what has happened and keeps asking to see her children.

“She is very distraught,” Briles said. “It’s really hard to know what she knows.”

Virk was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of attempted murder after a harbor resident heard a cry for help and rescued Virk and her children, ages 6 and 9.

Brian Wiggins, a former lifeguard, said Virk and the children were fully clothed when he pulled them from the 57-degree water. Virk’s daughter, Harpreet, was hospitalized.


The girl and her brother, Sonny, are now in the care of county social workers.

Authorities suspect Virk was attempting to kill herself and her children. She lives in a condominium two blocks from the harbor with her husband, Santokh. But police said the husband had flown to India a day earlier. Authorities were still trying to reach the father Friday.

The Virks have lived in the United States for about eight years, and in Port Hueneme for about two.

According to police records, the Virks have a history of domestic disturbances, including allegations that he choked her and threatened her with violence.


Last February, Narinder Virk called police to report her husband had abandoned the family five months earlier and left them without food or money.

She also said that before he left, her husband had grabbed her by the throat and tried to strangle her.

Santokh Virk returned from India a month later and his wife told police she would not cooperate with any further investigation.

On Friday, Briles said she hadn’t had time to research the extent of her client’s marital problems.

She said Narinder Virk speaks little English, which has made it difficult to communicate.

Narinder Virk has no prior criminal history. She is being held at the county’s main jail in Ventura on $500,000 bail.
