
Council to Study Use of Road Funds

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The Los Angeles City Council asked city administrators Friday to determine whether up to $17.8 million in transportation money received by the city from the state could be taken back by the state unless it is used by July 31.

Councilwoman Laura Chick sought the study after Gov. Gray Davis warned cities that failure to use money already allocated could result in the state taking it back.

Ron Deaton, the council’s chief legislative analyst, said it does not appear the city is at risk of losing any transportation dollars, as long as Davis does not try to change the rules for when the funds must be committed to projects.


However, Gary Boze, a spokesman for Chick, said the review has not yet ruled out problems for joint projects between the city and the Metropolitan Transportation Agency.

As a result, the council asked for the issue to be examined closely and a report returned by Feb. 11.

“The city of L.A. has desperate needs for repairs and improvements of its freeways, streets and highways,” Chick said. “We cannot let one penny go back to the state because we have failed to use it before July 31.”
