
Insight Not Enough to Clear the Air

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Do not mistake the Sierra Club’s unqualified endorsement for Honda’s new hybrid electric vehicle, the Insight, as representing the entire environmental community [“Sierra Club, Blazing a New Trail, Gives Seal of Approval to Fuel-Efficient Honda,” Jan. 8].

While the Insight makes strides to improve fuel economy, and therefore reduce global warming pollution, it does little to reduce smog-forming emissions. The Insight will certify to a level of 10 times more polluting than California’s super-ultra-low-emissions vehicle standard, a standard that some model year 2000 Accords can meet.

Honda’s apparent reluctance to implement existing technology to reduce smog-forming emissions underscores the importance of California’s zero emission vehicle (ZEV) program. This program pushes auto companies to develop cleaner technologies that can let Californians breathe easier.


With the auto and oil industries turning up the heat to dismantle the program, it is paramount that Gov. Davis and the California Air Resources Board make the best decision for our lungs and preserve the ZEV program.


Transportation Program Director

Union of Concerned Scientists


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