
Closer Recycling Drop-Off Needed

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* Re “Reducing Trash: No Time to Waste,” Jan. 10:

I read the story on reducing trash with great interest. I recently purchased a condominium in Laguna Hills (having moved from an apartment in Aliso Viejo, and before that, a home in Long Beach).

Being interested in preserving the environment, and accustomed to recycling in Long Beach, I tried to find a way to recycle my Times newspapers and other household recyclables.

I was told by Solag Disposal, the waste management company for my city, that because I live in a condo development that has trash dumpsters, there is no “curbside recycling” available. The same was true for the apartment in Aliso Viejo.


I tried calling Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, other cities, the waste management company for the area, The Times, several markets and a recycling center in Santa Ana.

After spending more than two hours trying to find a location where I could recycle my newspapers and other trash, I gave up.

The only place that could help me was the recycling center in Santa Ana, which offered to pay me for my stuff, but, frankly, I don’t have the time or inclination to travel to a questionable section of Santa Ana from South Orange County.


An attempt to convince the homeowners association to push for separate containers was also fruitless. As a result, I reluctantly throw my old papers, plastics and other recyclables in the dumpster along with all the rest of the trash.

The homes and townhomes in Laguna Hills are provided with recycling bins, so the waste management company has the ability to recycle, just not the inclination.

It would even help if the cities would designate an area where recycling bins could be set up for the public to use on a regular basis.


I don’t mind making the effort to take my trash to the recycler. I don’t even want cash in exchange for the recyclable trash. I just don’t want to have to travel to Santa Ana to do it!


Laguna Hills
