
CSU Graduation Rate

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Re “A Long Road to Graduation at Cal State,” Jan. 9.

Solomon Moore explained well some of the significant challenges facing many California State University students. CSU students are among the most diverse in the nation, both in ethnicity and in their educational needs.

The needs of a 35-year-old working parent are different than 19-year-olds financially dependent on their parents. Therefore, the CSU is offering educational services in a variety of ways to help students progress toward a degree. We are moving to year-round operations, so there will be more courses at night, on weekends and in the summer. We are also offering more distance education courses. If finding a baby-sitter or transportation is a problem, technology allows a student to access education at home. CalStateTeach, designed for teachers seeking credentials, is such an example.

We also will offer more options in course length. For example, we will offer options such as three-week courses that meets four times a week. In addition, we are working with the high schools to make sure students are prepared so they don’t need remedial courses in college.


Finally, if a student has the time and resources to graduate in four years, our campuses guarantee that option. By keeping our fees among the nation’s lowest and providing a variety of options for students, we are ensuring access to a high-quality CSU degree.


Cal State University Chancellor


As a product of the Cal State University system, I wish to thank the state and state university system for a great education.

I graduated at 26 with a wife and two children with a four-year degree. This could not have been accomplished without the fine university system we have in California. All it took was the opportunity offered by California and the will of a student.


