
Gun Regulations

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* Re “Lockyer Denies Gun Law Covers Hunting Rifles,” Jan. 7:

Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer’s response to the accusation that sporting rifles are included in the [assault weapon] specifications, that “he stands behind the regulations and has no plans to rescind them,” shows his defensive attitude and how poorly researched these laws are. The correct way is to invite the “enemy,” i.e. the NRA, into the meetings to resolve the specifications of these antigun laws. The leadership of the NRA would welcome the opportunity and put to rest the anxieties of its members.


West Hills

* Oh how my heart breaks--all those poor suffering hunters! They won’t be able to so efficiently slaughter bears anymore. I say give them muskets they have to reload after every shot. Then at least it will be a fair chance for the hunted.


Joshua Tree
