
Unlucky In Love

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While billboards and radio spots blare out L.A.’s latest supermarket takeover as nothing less than holy matrimony between Albertsons and Lucky, the bride has got to be having second thoughts. The honeymoon is barely over, and already the groom has confiscated the bride’s plastic, consigning all her Lucky Rewards cards to the donation bin. Nor will Lucky label peaches or low-fat granola remain long under Albertsons’ egocentric roof: In the merged household, the entire contents of the bride’s kitchen cabinet will be emptied to make way for Albertsons and Janet Lee (a mistress, already!) brands. Given this chauvinism, it should come as little shock that Albertsons’ big blue logo has supplanted the festive red script of Lucky signs from Long Beach to Canoga Park. Even for professional purposes--especially for professional purposes--the bride will not be keeping her maiden name.
