
Gifts to Cal State System Set Record

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The California State University system on Wednesday reported a record $860.5 million in outside contributions for the 1998-99 school year, including $26.8 million donated to Cal State Long Beach.

The fund-raising total--including donations and revenue from sponsorships, bequests, contracts, grants, property transfers and endowments--is up nearly a third from the previous year, according to the university’s annual report.

The university system “has made tremendous progress in increasing external support over the past several years,” said Douglas Patino, vice chancellor for university advancement.


“The funds we raise support faculty research, student scholarships, new facilities and other projects that provide the margin of excellence in the education we offer our students,” he said.

Patino was hired for the newly created advancement position in 1992 to bolster fund-raising. Since then, the university has added development offices on each campus and made fund-raising an evaluation consideration for all the campus presidents.

San Diego State garnered the most in donations, with a total of $32.3 million for 1998-99. Cal State Long Beach followed.


In the Los Angeles area, Cal State Los Angeles received $9.8 million in donations; Cal State Pomona received $9.7 million; Cal State Fullerton, $8.5 million; and Cal State Northridge, $5 million.
