
Independence Day

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* What a remarkable country we live in! Freedom was hard won by a few those many years ago and now is enjoyed by us all--fidelity, devotion and love of country.

On this Independence Day weekend, it is so very easy to be humbled by the many contributions of genuine American patriots, those who gave the last full measure of devotion to their country. From Valley Forge, Trenton and Yorktown to those memorable beachheads on the coast of Normandy, France--Utah, Juno, Sword, Omaha and Gold--all served admirably in the cause of peace. Oh, what heroes have been in our past, to guide us and bring this great nation along its present path.

There have always been pathfinders among us. For their courage, their sacrifices and their acts of selfless service, we now find ourselves the envy of the civilized world. Who among us cannot look back with awe upon their many patriotic actions?


Let us, then, this holiday be grateful for those who came before whose service and dedication helped put our country on the course it now enjoys.

Sign me “a World War II soul locked in the body of a ‘60s kid.” Fidelity, devotion and love of country: three virtues that really count most.


Thousand Oaks
