
‘Battlefield’s’ Budget

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It is only natural for any creative person to wish that the original intent of their work be appreciated and valued. As such, director Roger Christian’s defense of “Battlefield Earth” as comic-strip fun is perfectly fine (“ ‘Battlefield’ Was Meant to Be Low-Budget Fun,” July 3). Mentioning positive input on the film from established film directors is perfectly fine.

But please, on behalf of struggling, as-yet-undiscovered filmmakers everywhere who negotiate tooth and nail for every reduced rate or freebie they can to make their short or first feature for a few grand, do not refer to a $52-million budget as “shoestring and ceiling wax,” no matter how it compares to the current norm in action-film budgets.


Los Angeles

Regarding Roger Christian’s “defense” of “Battlefield Earth”: Twenty years ago, Roger Corman produced a film titled “Battle Beyond the Stars” that was everything Christian claimed “Battlefield” to be and then some--even though it was shot entirely in a converted lumberyard in Venice for less than John Travolta spent on fuel for his jet to take him to Canada.



Los Angeles
