
No More Driving While Dialing

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Deborah Albin lives in Los Angeles

Iam very concerned with the use of cell phones while driving. My newborn child and I were nearly run over this weekend by a man talking on the phone and not paying a bit of attention to the road. This occurred on the very day I read an article about two elderly women who were killed by a woman who also was talking on a cell phone while driving. She, as the man who nearly hit me, had no idea that they were driving in an unsafe manner at that moment.

How many people need to be killed or injured by thoughtless drivers before it is recognized that driving while talking on a cell phone is not only extremely dangerous but deadly? I can’t believe that a government that professes safety of its citizens as a top priority openly allows this type of potentially lethal behavior.

Drinking and driving is a crime because a driver is not able to fully control his actions while driving. How is driving while talking on a cell phone any different? These drivers are preoccupied with thoughts and actions not related to driving and conduct themselves accordingly. I was so frightened by this near accident (he came literally with in an inch of smashing into the baby’s stroller) that I feel compelled to write. The driver neither acknowledged his irresponsible behavior nor changed it once he realized what he had done. On a side note, he only realized his error after nearly a dozen people yelled at him in horror from the curb.


I want my children to be safe on our streets. I want my government to protect me, my family and all other citizens through a simple common sense measure.

I implore you: Make it illegal to use cell phones while driving a vehicle. It will not only save headaches, money and damage to property; it also will save lives.
