
* Alexandre Barbosa Lima; Oldest Practicing Writer

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Alexandre Jose Barbosa Lima Sobrinho, 103, believed to be the world’s oldest practicing writer. Barbosa Lima, a respected political journalist and former politician, was a longtime president of the Brazilian Press Assn. Freedom of the press, he often said, is not a privilege of the journalist, but a “sacred right of the people.” A three-time congressman and a state governor, he ran for vice president in 1974 in support of presidential candidate Ulysses Guimaraes in a campaign against the military-ruled Arena party. They lost to Gen. Ernesto Geisel, who became president with the support of Congress. In the 1980s, Barbosa Lima joined millions of Brazilians who took to the streets demanding that the military step down and power be returned to the people. And in 1992, Congress asked him to represent the Brazilian people in signing a congressional document impeaching former President Fernando Collor de Melo. During his prolific career, Barbosa Lima wrote more than 70 books and 5,000 articles and columns for the Jornal do Brasil, one of the country’s oldest daily newspapers. His last weekly column was published the day he died. A nationalist at heart, Barbosa Lima defied corrupt politicians and wrongdoers. On his 100th birthday, he attributed his longevity to two things: his wife of 68 years, Maria, and his will to fight for his country. On Sunday in Rio de Janeiro.
