
NBC Joins Critics of AOL-Time Warner Deal

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Bloomberg News

General Electric Co.’s NBC joined in the fight against America Online Inc.’s purchase of Time Warner Inc., urging federal regulators to impose stiff conditions on the transaction. NBC, in a filing with the Federal Communications Commission, said AOL-Time Warner should be forced to provide Internet and video rivals with nondiscriminatory access to their cable lines. NBC’s entry into the fight against the transaction is a boost for Walt Disney Co., which has been alone among the major TV networks in opposing the combination. NBC submitted its filing as Disney took its fight to Capitol Hill, using a 10-minute video to outline the risks for consumer choice. Disney, owner of the ABC Television Network, showed the video to influential staffers of the House and Senate commerce and judiciary committees, which have broad authority over communications and antitrust issues in Congress. Though Congress has no formal role in the review, it can help influence public opinion as regulators review the combination.
