
Funds to Fight Health Reforms

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* Bless you for the article on pharmaceutical and managed care firms spending $90 million on ads to fight expanded Medicare coverage and to prevent managed care reforms (July 23). None of us, singularly or together, can match those funds and get the message out. We’ve tried that before and were overwhelmed by the amount of money spent to maintain the status quo.

Managed care and the drug companies answer first to their stockholders. And spending $90 million to prevent reform or added expense just may make those stockholders feel very relieved; but not the rest of us. No matter that some of that money could allow, for example, the parents of a brain-damaged infant to consult with a pediatric neurologist. No matter that the price of staying alive via medication has to be weighed against the cost of food or rent for some old folks and some not-so-old folks.


Mission Viejo


Let me see if I’ve got this straight: The health care industry is planning to spend tens of millions of dollars to influence the upcoming election. Now, as I understand it, this money comes from consumers, who are probably expecting to get some sort of health care in return. Instead, this money will be used to defeat health care reform and work directly against the interests of those consumers. Which means the health care industry is guilty of plain and simple fraud. And should be prosecuted accordingly.



