
Treating Anxiety

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* Re “Pills for What Ails You Socially,” Opinion, July 23: While I agree generally with Scott Gottlieb’s assertion that drug companies are inappropriately advertising medication as the solution to social ills and consequently medicalizing symptoms that are normal traits, I disagree with his use of social anxiety/social phobia as an example of this. Perhaps he is confusing “shyness” with “social anxiety”; social anxiety/phobia can be a severe and disabling anxiety disorder.

Medication alone is not the answer. Anxiety symptoms are very real and physical, yet there is often no medical basis for them; they are not an illness or disease, as drug companies want you to believe. Treating psychological problems in a purely medical way is the least effective form of help, yet currently the most frequently used. It’s as ineffective as treating cancer with psychological counseling only.


Culver City
